Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Want to strengthen the immune system, try these methods only get results!

When we are teenagers, it is when our body grows strong and it is when the immune system is strong against the invasion of the bacteria.

 However, as we grow older, it reduces the ability of our immune system to weaken, making older people more susceptible to illness than adolescence. 

Therefore, daily exercise routines, proper daily activities and proper sleep are all important factors in strengthening the immune system even at any age:

1. Exercise regularly Exercise is really important not only for the growth of the release of toxins from the inside, but also the stimulant to the immune system, enhancing the white blood cells (anti-viral agents).Obviously, walking only 30 minutes a day also makes the risk of the disease less than those who do not exercise.

2. Get enough sleep

Obviously, sleep not only is the mechanical mechanism of our body to incorporate damaged energy, clean the brain and body toxins, especially when it is time our immune system is the most active in the body. Destroy, prevent, and protect from microorganisms. When you are not asleep, your body can lose its balance and cause the cells to become inflamed and easier to grow.

 So sleeping at least seven to eight hours is a good habit for the health of our entire body.

3. Eat fruits and vegetables

 A diet rich in vitamins of all kinds, minerals, nutrients, are essential for the body, not only for the growth of the brain and the body, but especially for better processes. The immune system.

 In fact, vitamin C, B6, E are all essential nutrients for our body.

 So eating a diet of vegetable and fruit juices every day is one of the best options for the health of the whole body.

4. Reduce stress

 As with frequent stress disorders, it can cause the immune system's immune system to weaken, which is a risk factor for illness. When stress on the body, we responded by releasing the hormone tetracycline, and this hormone has a negative impact on our immune system, which stops actively forming white blood cells, an active anti-virus agent. Of our bodies.

So spending time in relaxation and the brain is an important way to reduce stress, rather than drinking, to reduce stress, which is a misconception, because alcohol consumes more weight. The body is weakened.

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