Monday, June 10, 2019

Three beverages should be eaten during pregnancy for the children to be born smart

During pregnancy, the most important thing is the diet. Mothers must eat enough nutritious foods to nourish themselves and their baby. Besides daily meals, moms should eat the following three drinks to be stronger Losing weight, children are healthy, beautiful skin, smart and intelligent.

Bananas and cocktails

Avocados contain vitamin A, B and C, and potassium that play an important role in the growth of the fetal nervous system. . Fat found in avocado also helps the fetus grow well and increase the ability to absorb nutrients. The way to do is take Bananas and Bars to wash water thoroughly, Put into a roller with a little milk and ice roll Make it good and eat it right.

Apple and banana cocktails

Banana eating helps pregnant women to dissolve the sensation caused by childhood obesity. In addition, potassium rich in bananas helps to prevent and reduce swelling and cramping wrinkles during pregnancy. Abdomen. Apple is rich in nutrients that pregnant women should not overlook.

The way to do this is to wash these two fruit juices and cut the bicycle into the fresh and frozen juice machine. Mix well and eat.

Banana and kiwick cocktail

Kidi contains more than 80 nutrients known as golden fruit for pregnant women . Folic acid in the kiwi helps prevent the inborn birth defects in the body and strengthen the immune system. Reliability reduces the risk of asthma or eczema when a baby is born.

All that is needed is kiwi fruit, 3 ripe bananas, 2 yoghurt, 1 can of sugar and honey. The way to do this is to put all the ingredients into the engine and put a little ice in it.

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