Thursday, July 25, 2019

Just 30 minutes a day gives great health benefits

A study shows that walking has many benefits to health, and this walk can also be accomplished It is not easy to pay for other services such as gym.Walk For Health, a British-based health organization, says those sitting in one place have long been inactive. The risk of death is faster than those who are more active.

      The same organization shows that the number of people who die due to less mobility or labor force accounts for 6% of deaths worldwide. He and the movement have become the fourth largest killer in the world.
      The agency also said that the lack of labor is also leading to diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Sydney. To address this issue, the organization recommended those who did not have enough workforce to walk for at least 30 minutes Per day.
Walking helps prevent overweight, obesity, low blood pressure, help ease sleep, reduce anxiety And strengthen memory. According to the same source.
      A report by the Cambodian Ministry of Health and the University of Health Sciences published in 2010, Priorities such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.
      In the case studies also highlighted the labor force factor as part of the study of the severity of the disease These. According to the report, urban residents are twice as likely to have diabetes as people in the city. Track. High blood pressure as well as urban residents was 16.9 percent higher than in rural areas. Versus 10 percent.
      For people living in the city, the rates of these diseases are higher than those in rural areas, more likely to be at risk The rural population exceeds the workforce every day.According to other similar studies, people should walk at least 30 minutes a day Or 150 minutes per week. ''

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